Deadline for In-Person Registration: 23 September
African Business and Human Rights Forum
The African Business and Human Rights Forum is an annual event convening stakeholders across Africa for constructive dialogue and peer-learning on how to strengthen responsible business and corporate accountability in the region.
The Forum aims to facilitate a robust and multi-stakeholder dialogue based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) that will foster joint action to prevent, mitigate and remediate business-related human rights and environmental abuses. Participants include governments, civil society organizations, communities human rights defenders, trade unions, business enterprises, industry associations, employers’ organizations, international organizations, national and regional human rights institutions, journalists, lawyers, activists and campaigners, and academia.
Bringing together all actors with a role and an interest in advancing the business and human rights agenda in Africa, the Forum will be designed to achieve the following outcomes:
Sustain momentum
Promote policy coherence at the national and regional level, including the adoption of the AU policy on business and human rights
Assess progress made in implementing the UNGPs
Exchange and learn from positive practices and challenges
2024 THEME
Promoting Responsible Business Conduct in a Rapidly Changing Context
The 2024 ABHR Forum will foster policy dialogue and peer-to-peer learning on responsible business conduct and on the human rights implications of the emerging African and global regulatory and policy landscape in Africa, generating crucial insights as well as key recommendations for the adoption of strong regulatory and policy frameworks and business models that promote ethical and sustainable practices, in line with internationally agreed norms and principles.
It will focus on the continued integration of responsible business conduct and human rights due diligence in business operations, strengthening the policy frameworks of African Member States on responsible business conduct leveraging the UNGPs, AfCFTA and other frameworks, and building the capacity of stakeholders to apply an responsible business conduct lens to the development and implementation national action plans, and to State and business practices in Africa, aligning these to African and international human rights and responsible business conduct frameworks.